"Thank you!" he said to Bee-straw, and noticed that he had gone.
In his place stood a long-eared, blue snail. It was sleek and slimy, and it slid and slurped towards The Drizzles, smiling malevolently.
"Hello" It said in a smooth bariton "I am Jupiter Jack".
"What happened to Bee-Straw?" Qusetioned The Drizzles "He just gave me this gift and I didn't even thanked him yet".
"Don't worry" assured Jack "It's all part of The Plan".
"What is This Plan?"
"Not This Plan, The Plan" corrected Jack "It's the greatest mystery of the cyber world".
The Drizzles flowered on a nearby ghost-hydrant and listened.
"Well, it shouldn't be too difficult to explain it to a clever fellow like you" sleeked Jupiter Jack "I had a major part in discovering it, you know. I sensed something was going on in the Cyber world. All kinds of informations were flowing into it, but it took a while until we figured out that there was a pattern in all this Chaos!"
"A pattern!" exclaimed The excited Drizzles and opened his dictionary.
"Yes! A Pattern! Which is The Plan!" Jack joined into the excitement "And it begins and maybe ends with the big O".
The Drizzles browsed through his dictionary looking for a big O, but found none.
"The big O?" he enquired.
"Yes!" continued Jack, carrying on a wave of excitement "The big O. President Barack Obama!"

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