The strange being reorganized it's necktie and recoiled into itself. It seemed to ponder of The Drizzles' question.
"That is the wrong question" The being commented "and stop thinking of me as "The Being". I am not some minor character, you know. I have a name. I am IgI!"
"Igi?" wondered The Drizzles.
"IgI!" replied IgI angrily "Why must everyone get it worng. It's IgI. I-g-I".
"I-g-I?" tried The Drizzles.
"Nevermind. Anyway, you were asking the wrong question. You should have asked "who are you?" or "why are you here?" but you failed to ask me these questions. So I shall punish you with an unexplanation!".
"No!" folded The poor Drizzles, who hated long words more then anything "Take your annex plantation and leave my town, please!".
IgI's voice softened. "Don't worry, it won't hurt" he promised. "an unexplanation is simply an explanation after which you understand less then you knew before it".
The Drizzles tried the pointlessness defence.
"I know nothing" he said.
"In that case, you shall have a negative knowledge at the end of my words. That's a very usful thing to have. you'll save milions on your knowledge managment expenses".
IgI did not wait for a reply, and started explaining right away.

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