"That's because I have NO points. I'm just a The Drizzles" The Drizzles explained "Thank you for the laughter and the drowsiness".
Bee-straw did like compliments and condiments.
"Well..." he softened "Let's try to drag you past the point, OK?"
"OK" The Drizzles agreed. Maybe there will be a new emotion in it for him.
"OK" Bee-straw resumed deductiveness "As I said, this ghost world is super-imposed on the real world. Stop Giggling! No, I will not say super-impose again. But there was no way for interaction. Until yesterday. When a loop in the cyber-world, which sort-of exists in the real world, sort-of appeard in the ghost world, thus creating a link between the worlds. Kapish?"
The Drizzles nodded. That was clear enough.
"So you are a ghost?" he asked Bee-straw.
"Not quite. I am a cyber-creature. I am an avatar of financial news"
"what's an avatar?" The Drizzles wondered .
"It's a personification of a god or a phenomena" explained Bee-straw, and waited until THe Drizzles laughter ceased. 'personification' had an even worse effect on him then 'intermediator'.
"Oh" Gasped The Drizzles while regaining his breath. "And what's FAY-NAN-SHELL?"
"It means 'to do with money'" replied the annoyed Bee-straw.
"And what is news?" Asked The Drizzles, and Bee-straw disappeared.
He appeared 2 seconds later, and handed The Drizzles a book.
"Here, it's a present for you. A diction..." he stopped in mid-word as he saw The Drizzles starting to get tickled.
"It's a book with words about words" he concluded.

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