The streets were empty. They were ALWAYS empty. This was a non-ghost town. And The Drizzles was a ghost creature, unable to interact with non-ghosts.
The air was cold, and the drizzle inhaled a noseful of frost molecules. He liked the cold. He liked pretty much everything about his life. The cold, the loneliness, the turning of the buckets.
But things were about the change.
The change started slowly. with a sound. The city was always filled with the rumble of echoes. That is how ghost creature call the sounds of the living world, which always sound faraway and unreal for them. but the sound announcing the change was not an echo. It came from another ghost creature.
It sounded like a coin heating an oil pump repeatedly. It came from around the corner.
The Drizzles peeked around the corner and saw a most peculiar creature.
The whole of the creature seemed to be made of lines of light.It had two legs, two arms and one head. It was holding a stack of folded papers, and shouting with all of it's lungs. But no sound came out, just the strange metallic noise that the Drizzles heard before.
And then the creature turned it's head, and looked straight into the Drizzles eyes. It shouted:
"ANC wins south african elections!"
The air was cold, and the drizzle inhaled a noseful of frost molecules. He liked the cold. He liked pretty much everything about his life. The cold, the loneliness, the turning of the buckets.
But things were about the change.
The change started slowly. with a sound. The city was always filled with the rumble of echoes. That is how ghost creature call the sounds of the living world, which always sound faraway and unreal for them. but the sound announcing the change was not an echo. It came from another ghost creature.
It sounded like a coin heating an oil pump repeatedly. It came from around the corner.
The Drizzles peeked around the corner and saw a most peculiar creature.
The whole of the creature seemed to be made of lines of light.It had two legs, two arms and one head. It was holding a stack of folded papers, and shouting with all of it's lungs. But no sound came out, just the strange metallic noise that the Drizzles heard before.
And then the creature turned it's head, and looked straight into the Drizzles eyes. It shouted:
"ANC wins south african elections!"
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