"No" contradicted The Drizzles "since i don't know anything, anything you explain to me must increase my knowledge level, and therefore be of some use".
"Hmmm...." pondered Bee-straw "it might like that. But was already concluded with IgI. Oh well, I shall explain to you, but from scratch".
"I wish i had an itchy bucket, then" replied The Drizzles, and listened attentively.
"OK, here we go" announced Bee-straw "It all begins... Well, it all begins here. Do you know what is this place? Oh, right, you don't know anything. This place is the ghost world. It lives side by side with another world, called the real world. Actually, side by side is an exagerration - these two worlds are actually one inside the other, though they cannot interact in anyway".
The Drizzles was enjoying itself. He never knew you could get tired from anything other then buckets. And now he was tired, even drowsy, just from listening to Bee-straw.
"Please go on" He yawned "This is wonderful".

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