"So all of The Plan is this Mr. O?" Asked The Drizzles.
"No, No. But Mr. O is the strongest man in the USA, and the USA controls most of the cyber-world."
"And also most of the world finanance" Said Bee-straw, who was suddenly there again, instead of Jupiter Jack.
"Hi!" ansurprised The Drizzles "Where did you come from?".
"Oh, I am just the other side of Jupiter Jack" Explained Bee-straw.
"Wow. I did not know that".
"Well, you don't know a lot of things. Do you have different levels of ignorance?" wondered Bee-straw "After all, one might have different levels of knowledge".
The Drizzles didn't answer. He was busy looking for 'ignorance' in the dictionary.He found the entry and read it.
"Oh, I didn't thank you yet for the present!" he said happily.
"Oh, Don't mention it, please" Bee-straw slightly reddened "Anyway, today's most important issue is the swine flu, AKA the Mexican flu, The north American flu, and the we-can't-agree-on-any-goddamn-name flu. This so-called pandemic is a wonderful example for The Plan in action. It is occupying 13.7% of the cyber-world's activity, even though it has no real basis".
"So the real-worlds beings are stupid?"
"Yes, but that is not the point. The real world being are being manipulated".

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