Friday, May 1, 2009

A president and a demi-pandemic

"President Barack Obama, AKA the big O, Demi-democrat, The antichrist, Mankind's savior, The black Jesus, Dajjal and Good Ole Hussein, Is the center of The Plan, though we do not know how and why is he related to it"

"So all of The Plan is this Mr. O?" Asked The Drizzles.

"No, No. But Mr. O is the strongest man in the USA, and the USA controls most of the cyber-world."

"And also most of the world finanance" Said Bee-straw, who was suddenly there again, instead of Jupiter Jack.

"Hi!" ansurprised The Drizzles "Where did you come from?".

"Oh, I am just the other side of Jupiter Jack" Explained Bee-straw.

"Wow. I did not know that".

"Well, you don't know a lot of things. Do you have different levels of ignorance?" wondered Bee-straw "After all, one might have different levels of knowledge".

The Drizzles didn't answer. He was busy looking for 'ignorance' in the dictionary.He found the entry and read it.

"Oh, I didn't thank you yet for the present!" he said happily.

"Oh, Don't mention it, please" Bee-straw slightly reddened "Anyway, today's most important issue is the swine flu, AKA the Mexican flu, The north American flu, and the we-can't-agree-on-any-goddamn-name flu. This so-called pandemic is a wonderful example for The Plan in action. It is occupying 13.7% of the cyber-world's activity, even though it has no real basis".

"So the real-worlds beings are stupid?"

"Yes, but that is not the point. The real world being are being manipulated".

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