Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?

It was awfully quite in the ghost town for a while. Each being to himself. The monetary beings were busy waiting for the signal that the BooM is coming, the scruffy ones were following behind-the-scenes scenes, and The Drizzles?

He had a nice time. Apparently no one noticed his absence. He was swinging his buckets like a goat with a go-cart, exploring waste-emotions that drained to him from all parts of our real world, which arrived at his buckets via the mysterious "gun-without-liquid-emotion-of-space" system.

But the his personal misery, which he liked much less then other people's misery, Bee-Straw came back.

"The nigger is about to change his skin, The Drizzles" he said seriously "We need you".
"You? Need? Me?" squeaked The Drizzles, and hid behind his buckets.