"As I said, the ghost world and the real world can't interact in any way" continued Bee-straw, to The Drizzles' joy "Or at least that was true until yesterday. Yesterday would be probably be written as a big day in the history of times. Yesterday, All this real world seemed so far away, but then a portal was open. A link between the ghost world and the real world, through an in-ter-med-i-a-tor called the cybernetic world".
Something tickled inside The Drizzles. He knew why, or at least thought so.
"Say that again, please!" he asked Bee-straw.
"What, the whole thing?!" angered Bee-straw "Didn't you listen to a thing I said?".
"No, no, not the whole thing. Just that tickling word, the one with 'eee' and the 'ey' and the 'ter'"
" A word with 'eee' and 'ey' and 'ter'?" answered Bee-straw " 'iator'? Oh, you mean intermediator".
The Drizzles giggled. "Yes, that one!" he said happily.
"Intermediator" said Bee-straw, and watched as The Drizzles giggled again "intermediator,intermediator,intermediator,intermediator..." he tried.
It pressed on The Drizzles laughter point, and he burst out in six different types of laughter.
Bee-straw's brows knotted as he puzzled over this, but the laughter was so contagious even he smiled.
"You're strange fellow. Intermediator"
The Drizzles rolled on the floor and laughed, laughed, laughed.

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